The Volunteer Collector

Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
email to
When we’re all rich and live on our investments no one will have to work. There will be no poverty or slums. We’ll all have a PH.D. What a glorious vision it is! If hunter gatherers had envisioned the service economy 20,000 years ago the human race would have achieved its glorious end long before any of US were born. . . .
"A good slave works for food alone."

Q of the week:
Q: What is the quality of information served to Americans by fewer and fewer corporate media news outlets?
A: Baa, bleat, blah. Sis, boom, bah. Rah, rah, rah. Three short sentences contain almost everything that may be absorbed about America and the direction in which we’re moving-- from the mainstream media and official sources.

Volume IV Issue 12:

   The one party system of Repu-Dems is death to the democracy of the American Republic. The Repus repeatedly steal elections and the fraud goes unchallenged by their nominal opponents. Hitler never had it so sweet! Corporate profits continue to dissipate America’s economy: the production and consumption of goods. A handful of stockholders and their CEO and politician lackeys grow even more enormously wealthy by our deprivation. We remain enthralled as we gaze mindlessly at the spinning wheel.
   Consequently, middle aged children move back home with their retired parents in ever increasing numbers. At least there’s a roof and some money. A growing part of the college grads fail to find employment and return to school -- or home, if their education ticket is full. The other part find entry level positions that force a 45 year old out, increasing the economic dissipation of runaway corporate profits, as employees work for less buying power than their predecessors. Will the balloon burst when we can no longer afford to shop at Walmart? Will we live long enough to see the inevitable collapse or will we starve first? The president will no doubt blame it on negative thinking. He has said in effect: if greater profits can be made by outsourcing then the corporations should be allowed and even encouraged to do so. A literal quote is not required. Actions and even inactions speak louder than words. Meanwhile the American people, consisting mostly of corporate clones, say: "Oh, isn’t that nice. Baa.", reminding me of Stepford Wives. [Ed. Note: Thank you Elizabeth]
   Leaders speak incessantly of security, morality and values. They distract US from the destructiveness of their profit at our expense. The reason our children must die in their wars is to reinforce and extend XNat [Multi National] corporate suzerainty over the Planet Earth. Money is all that they really value.
   The value of the dollar will continue to fall until we begin making products in America that foreigners wish to buy. They have no reason to buy cheap Chinese products from us when they can get them at a lower price from the Chinese. The situation arises from the exportation of America’s wealth of manufacturing capacity for short term/sighted profit by foolish service economy MBAs and the politicians they own. They’ve sold our cow for a handful of very un-magic beans. Foreign dollar holders might be able to get the Chinese to take some of the increasingly worthless paper off their hands in exchange for goods from the source. Maybe the Chinese will give some of our money back to US in exchange for land and infrastructure. That’s the kind of brilliance we’ve learned to expect from American businessmen. Debt and finance are the problem but the idiots in charge think those beans really are magic. The problem has much deeper roots.
   No matter where they happen, mass projects require that members of the community cooperate-- work together-- to execute them. Organization is needed to build a bridge, to run a factory or anything an individual can’t do alone. Workers must cooperate to manufacture goods en-masse, to operate mass service or maintain infrastructure. Wealth is produced by community effort. Cooperation by the community is required to do anything even on a moderate scale. It’s easy to find those who would organize the work of all for their individual profit. The dissipative and self destructive service economy is proof of that. Today’s leaders are of little value to the community. They take the greatest part of profit on our work and systematically deprive most members of the community of our share of our produce. This confounds the purpose of community. The rich are worthless compared to those who do the work that sustains the human race. The wealthy have no value. They have no wealth unless others work for them. They exploit the common effort for their personal gain and give nothing that’s needed in return. We or more recently the Chinese must do the work if any are to live. We work together for our own common well being. Our community effort is for the community good. It is not reasonable that non-working parasites or those who merely give orders should profit more from the community’s efforts than those who do the work.
   The stockholders of the auto-finance company don’t bring you you’re SUV. It’s made for you by the auto-workers in China. It’s brought to you by the crew of the freighter and a truck driver. It’s maintained by a mechanic, not by a dealer or an importer like GM or Ford. The usury of the financial industry including that of importers who used to be manufacturers is dissipative to the economy. It’s we the people who are supportive of our means of survival. Until we were sold out to the Chinese et al. it was we who contributed to our community’s well being. The betrayers of the human race, the major stockholders, the CEOs and politicians, have always taken the profits from the community’s efforts, even when they were openly contemptuous of US and called themselves royalty. If the community’s members are impoverished in the process they no longer gloat about it. Instead, the fact will be hidden or rationalized. Their spin and propaganda has convinced US that their profit on our work is good, just and the American way. This, they say, is the natural order of things. They say things are good but things are bad and that’s the way things have always been. They don’t recognize schizophrenia or even acknowledge mere inconsistency.
   There must have been a time when natural order and social order were the same thing. This has not necessarily been so since the inventions of money and law have made it possible to freeze the order that it may endure beyond the present generation. No natural animal can automatically pass on it’s territory to it’s offspring. It may be able to pass on the potential to acquire land but even that’s not certain. No animal can even hold land that it does not physically occupy and utilize. Most social animals maintain territory as a group. The dominant individual may have mating priority and first bite right but it can’t own land or pass its privileges on to an heir. The human race has been out of natural order most of the time for at least 5000 years. Usury and individual ownership of communal land that, with money, may be bequeathed to heirs, are incompatible with natural order.
   The social instincts that dictate group formation exist to help assure the survival of a species. Survival is the prime directive. The ordering of the group is secondary to and must support the prime directive. The survival of the group takes precedence over the survival of the individual. That’s why we give great praise to those who die in war for the preservation of the nation. (Even when we cheat them economically we give them ribbons and shiny metal to encourage more sacrifice on the altar of finance.) Today’s leaders seek individual wealth at the expense of the community they prey upon. That constitutes abomination of social instinct. It is unnatural order because it supports the well being of the individual at the expense of the community. It tends to threaten the survival of the human race. It can’t be said that such treachery is sane, much less the intention of God or Nature.
   Yet our leaders tell us their treachery creates the best of all possible worlds. They tell US corrupt elections must not be challenged. Challenges are not good for democracy. Wrong! When the election process is corrupted there is no democracy. They tell US wars of acquisition are in the defense of our nation and to spread freedom, while they take away liberty and democracy at home. Their misguided economic policies and tax giveaways to the rich are a threat to our survival but they lie straight faced and most of US are fooled. We pretend we’re better off than the others they tell US about in their news media and we respond in unison to the stimulation with the conditioned "thought" response that reinforces the delusion. Maybe we are or were marginally better off but our condition is deteriorating due to the predations inherent in the unnatural order. It’s more likely that we’re totally insane to put up with the greedy idiots who run this asylum. In any case, I’m unwilling to be a slave in a community that serves the rich to the detriment of all. We must take our community and nation back from the mindless parasites, who by their existence threaten the survival of the human race.
   Of course the conditioned response to my objection to the domination of humans by greedy, inhuman parasites is that in America we’re free to betray our fellows and put them to work for our own profit. Thus we may become rich by employing slaves to create our wealth. Since everyone wants to be rich, the pain, suffering and misery that the hoarding by a few makes inevitable for many is thereby justified and rationalized. That is the common wisdom. I don’t deny it. But wisdom is uncommon. Putting aside the insignificant probability of growing wealthy by tolerable cunning-- perpetuating the fraud of the rich with their permission-- the freedom to become a parasite is never gifted with an opportunity to do so. To do it without permission from the established wealthy elite like dubya, will likely result in a lengthy prison sentence. But, in denial of reality, they persist with the fiction that it’s all good because we’re free to betray the human race and become one of them. We too may live by looting the community. But what are the odds? Sure, we’ll all be rich investors and no one will have to work.
   We create our institutions for the good of the human race. The improvement of the human condition in general supports the survival of the human species. But XNat and most other corporations, that is paper people, serve only themselves and the rich stockholders that control them-- sort of. One can only grow rich by taking more than one’s share of the produce of the communities we formed in the service of human survival. The rich, by the abomination of human social instinct that makes them so, have denounced their humanity. They serve no good or useful purpose to the community. Their existence is not justified.
   It is a misstep of social evolution about 5000 years ago that results in domination of populations by the few members of cliques that hoard the produce of the entire community. This is a worldwide problem. The greed of the rich and powerful is a threat to the human race. The one party system of Repub-Dems in America only exacerbates the trouble.
   The Repub-Dem Party that controls the dialog talks about the influence on voters that can be gained by exploiting emotional issues, without speaking to the effect on objective reality that results from the concomitant policies. The wisdom here is that they don’t speak about outcomes of which they are ignorant. The folly is that they do speak about that which they pretend to know, while refusing to see that which they should know. If only they'd admit to their limited vision how much they don’t know, there would be some chance they might achieve wisdom. What they do know is how to play at politics and make money. They must deal with how to win votes because they can’t bring themselves to acknowledge the chaos that’s been created by the blind greed of their class. If one within the party timorously challenges their folly, that person is yelled down by the supporters of the status quo. The existing economic stratification mechanism is what unifies the Democratic and Republican Parties. Clinton and Carter were both economically conservative red state Dems. The only thing that differentiates them from Repus is a twinge of conscience and a vague notion that people might be economically repressed to the point of revolt. The only real dialog within the one party is about how long they can keep US fooled. The Repub wing thinks we’re eternally credulous.
   The Dem and Repu wings of the Republican Party hold to the irrational belief that we can survive after the exportation, for short term profit, of the productive wealth of America to China et al. by borrowing back the money spent to import the goods we needed to live in order to buy the things we need to continue on the merry-go-round. The circular thinking implied is a prime example of the profound stupidity of Republicans and Democrats and of why a one party system is self destructive.
   They talk about trade, finance, profit from cheap foreign labor, the war in Iraq and Christian values as if they are separate issues. All serve the same master: the domination of the community for the benefit of the few. That is abomination of social instinct by the corruption of the function of community, which is supposed to serve the survivability of all. The existence of an upper economic class is a threat to the survival of the human race. The rich are traitors to US all; they are destructive even to themselves but are blinded by childish greed to the danger they present to life on the Planet Earth.
   Trade, finance, profit from cheap foreign labor, the war in Iraq and Christian values are not separate issues. The last shall be first. Christian values were the secret weapon of the Roman Empire. Corrupted Christianity was used by the Romans to support the economic domination of Europe and the Middle East. Today the neo-cons appeal to Christians as a tactic that gains support for the XNat domination of the world, which is their real goal. The war in Iraq is dealing with a pocket of resistance to the planetary economic suzerain. That is the neo-cons’ obvious vision and it’s delusional. They really believe that they are in control even though China is the obvious winner of the economic game. They think their ideology controls China. That is a weakness of true believers. Trade agreements are really the internationalization of the financial pyramid scheme. Unfortunately the recirculation of money in the economy is imaginary. The circles are in twisted logic and are purely abstract. The real goods are dependent on a Ponzi that’s kept afloat by increasing public and private debt. The debt was mandated by the exportation of the wealth of manufacturing capacity for the short term gain of the fools who rule US. It’s all hidden by any lie, diversion, distraction or spin that will serve the status quo. The Repus and Dems who create the deception are themselves taken in by it. The virtual one party system of self-deceived idiots is the harbinger of America’s doom. Sauron never lost the ring. He’s dominated the Earth for five thousand years.
   The harbinger of the one party system in America was a self contradicting mass delusion fostered for the defense of the ruling economic elite who own the Repu-Dems and everything else. The mind-schiz consists of having trained each individual to have destroyed the community spirit, regarding the common well being, within the self, while reinforcing it with respect to defense of a corrupt community that serves well only the rich. (The delusion is referred to as a thing past because it has been so thoroughly internalized.) They want US to either destroy each other in competition for the bones they throw US or to die fighting to defend their right to dominate our community and to hoard the wealth it produces by the work of many. They are the few and we are the many. They emphasize teamwork for US producing wealth and individuality for them taking it from US.
   I know the rich, like anyone else, have some good in them that shines forth in unselfish acts at times. But challenge their right to exploit the work of the community for individual well being and they’ll close ranks to shut out goodness and even reality. When an arrogant gloating one says in your face, a part of its mind will deny the truth of the evil it does. The childish greed that rules them is inconsistent with what it means to be human. Yet they won’t release their tyrannical economic stranglehold on the human race or even admit to themselves that their wealth is gained unnaturally. Thinking themselves to be of higher quality and value than ordinary humans it’s not a big jump to believe they deserve to hoard the wealth of the community, while many of US are deprived of necessities. There is no right or wrong for me, in this intolerable state of affairs. I simply will not accept things as they are. That is because I choose to renounce the notion that slavery is good for the human race. The childish, greedy, ignorantly self destructive fools who rule US must be taken down. I choose to work for the survival of humanity. I will not stop until I see them brought down by the kind of teamwork the world needs. It’s time to restore democracy to the world by ending the rule of parasites. They impoverish the community and delude themselves and US with the belief it’s their right to do so. They are addicts. They cannot stop themselves. We must stop them.

   If you wish to help, contact me:
Greg Kaiser

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