The Post Agrarian Times

Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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When we’re all rich and live on our investments no one will have to work. There will be no poverty or slums. We’ll all have a PH.D. What a glorious vision it is! If hunter gatherers had envisioned the service economy 20,000 years ago the human race would have achieved its glorious end long before any of US were born. . . .
"A good slave works for food alone."

Volume V Issue 11:

   If we vote in the Democrats things will get a little better, for most people.

   The best chance for real change is to stress the system by pushing it in the destructive direction its already moving. To do this we retain Republican domination. They are stupidly and childishly selfish in their pursuit of profit from the works of others. They disdain ordinary consumer/taxpayers of the communities that are the ultimate source of all profit, including theirs of course. If we simply allow them to continue the pyramid fraud of so called "free market capitalism," they will completely dissipate the substance of the economy that sustains our lives. The imaginary profit from loans and investment allows consumption of real goods that are the products of real work but give in return for their keep only a burden on real economic activity, that’s the basis of our survival. Increasing investor return by cutting wages undermines the consumer, the source of profits. Wall street is all bubble. It attempts to make something from thin air. It is as impossible as perpetual motion. To see the dissipative effect of capital gains on economy imagine a world of all investors, in which no one does real work to make any product or raise any crops. We must change this absurd state of affairs. Real change is only possible when it becomes known to a critical mass of the population that the unconscious self destruction of the financial (all service) economy will kill US all. Our economic and political leaders are like unruly and greedy children in need of guidance. Worse, they are like children playing with real guns and live ammunition, the financial tools of economic tyranny. Their blind greed can only take US all down with them. That’s what must follow, if we allow their dissipative, imaginative and imaginary money making schemes to continue.
   FDR saw this inevitability during the Great Depression. The New Deal temporarily reversed the dissipation by raising taxes on the rich, putting people to work and ultimately raising wages by empowering unions. The cons have hated him ever since for saving their butts. They didn’t understand that their fraud had broken itself. In the profundity of their stupidity, they only wanted to continue making maximum profit on the work of others. They didn’t understand that the profit, especially the purely abstract profit of banking, insurance and capital finance, was the cause of the collapse, which threatened everyone’s well being. Since then their heirs, the neo-cons, have recreated and refined demagogic techniques to reverse opinions about the common sense solutions that FDR implemented. Too few people today, as in the 1920's, are aware that the money making scams from privatization and government delegation of responsibility through contracting, as they borrow and spend while reducing taxes on the beneficiaries of the spending, is twice the recipe for disaster that preceded the crash of ‘29. The childish selfishness and stupidity of the neo-cons is degenerate beyond the imagination of the fools who ruined the world of 1929.
   The Republicans are so blind that they see none of this. They only see that they can individually grow richer by squeezing more out of the population; taking more from the consumer/taxpayers who must buy the products to provide the profit. Individuals see outsourcing as a way to increase profits. None see the cumulative effect of this dissipative practice. None see that the American communities that buy the products are being impoverished. They don’t want to see the truth. The service economy theorists will tell US we’re building up middle classes around the world to buy the products that are increasingly made there. We’ll have jobs managing this activity. Get real! Once the Chinese have all the factories and buildings they need, they won’t need US to service anything. Open your eyes and look at the direction we’re moving. See how far down the road to self destruction we are. Look at the trade imbalance. Look at the falling value of the dollar. Look at the real wealth of our country, our productive capacity, being sold out for a handful of devaluing beans, that are being hoarded by fewer and fewer of US and stashed in the Cayman Islands. Look at the increasing destitution of the middle class, the college grads working at McDonald’s, growing poverty and homelessness. (31 million increased to 37 million poor in America since 2000 - 20%) Look at the economy that the administration says is growing. It’s all the abstract activity of banks, insurance companies, wall street investors and government treasury looting contractors [privatization] that are a burden that must be supported by a real economy of production and consumption of real goods and real taxes or loans back of our money from our masters, the Chinese. The real economic activity, production, has been sold out around the world and the profits stolen by the elite rulers. If we killed all our leaders and the corporate entities that owned them, we would not be guilty of murder, by reason of self defense.
   Corporate persons, or paper people such as they are, are immortal. These immortals and the heirs of their principal owners [stockholders] must eventually concentrate all the property in their elite hands. As a direct consequence we must have less and less, especially if we’re not even employed to make the products on which they profit. If no one anywhere made any products and we all lived on investments . . . well, need I say more. A child can see that a superstructure cannot stand when its foundation has been destroyed. The top of this pyramid scheme we pretend is an economy must fall when it has consumed its base. Without regaining real economic activity in America, the abstract and imaginary activity of business and finance cannot be sustained. Service what? The shortsighted greed of the elite few is killing US all. Their profit is always a liability to the economy. It moves US in the direction of collapse, no matter how slowly. Its exaggeration today has accelerated the pace of the dissipation that profit must always cause, even when small and therefore less malignant.
   We are moving in the direction of self destruction. There is no doubt about it. I wonder, though, if a critical mass of US will catch on in time, not only to the impossibility of our pyramid scheme of financial economy but also to the reality. We have the power. We can reverse the self destructive course set by the corporate empire and the politicians they own. We can insist that the betrayal of the American Community, by the elite few, be avenged. We can starve them to death. We can stop servicing their infrastructure. We can quit building their homes and offices. We can quit delivering their food and water. They wouldn’t last a month without US to take care of them. If we organize ourselves and prepare adequately for what we know we will do, we can out last them. But I doubt a long struggle would be necessary. If we show our strength, if we act in unison and demonstrate grim determination to be free of their destructive influence and rule, they will concede within 24 hours. We don’t need them to live. They need US! We have only to act to make it so!

   No God or Hero will save US! We must save ourselves. All we’ll get from political/economic leaders is more of the same old con.

"Ben S. Bernanke (Ph. D., MIT, 1979), is the Howard Harrison and Gabrielle Snyder Beck Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University and the Chairman of the Department of Economics. He is a macroeconomist with interests in monetary policy and macroeconomic history. He is the Director of the Monetary Economics Program of the National Bureau of Economics Research and the Editor of the American Economic Review." - from his website at Princeton edu.

   No economist or banker, ceo etc. is anything but a high class con artist with an impressive vocabulary and a stupendous line of bullshit. When I see the deference congress people of both parties pay to Alan Greenspan’s "wisdom" and person and the same being presumed with board member and nominee for chairman Ben Bernanke, even as he sits for his confirmation, I know to expect little relief from the ravages of corporate fraud and economic terrorist tyranny of the multi-national pillagers of America and the world. They are onerous! We know they are fraudulent because they exist. Descartes knew of his existence because he thought. We know our leaders steal because we perceive them to be as they have been for thousands of years. They appear to be so because they are . . . selfish, self aggrandizing and with nothing but disdain for the consumer/taxpayers and workers of the communities that are the sources of their power, profits and wealth.

   Our leaders will not leave Iraq until they’ve grown as rich as possible by impoverishing the rest of America, to pay for the war. Iraq is a vehicle for the further enrichment of the Bush-Cheney peers, who are among the traditional beneficiaries of the looting of the American Treasury and Community. They can’t see real solutions because they’re unwilling to see that they are the problem.
   No God or Hero will save US! All our contemporary political/economic leaders are so inside the box. There is no hope that they’ll get US out of the mess they’ve created.

   Rep. Michael Castle R-Delaware [11/15/05 C-SPAN Washington Journal 9:15A Eastern Standard Time] recognizes need to balance budget but emphasizes relatively insignificant food stamp costs and much greater medicaid costs without noting that the looting of the Treasury by Halliburton and military contractors and others is the cause of the budget imbalance in the first place. While medicaid costs are significant, as health care costs in general are a great burden on our economy, the belief that the budget may be balanced by cutting the assistance to the needy ignores the real problem. The profits of insurance and pharmaceutical corporations and the medicare/medicaid frauds of corporate providers, including Frist’s HCA’s [Hospital Corporation of America] multi billion dollar bilking of the public, are the real cause of high medical costs and community outlays.

   In "Starman" the Earth is described as a hostile [social] environment, in the alien’s distress call that sets up the plot. Many of the situations encountered during the escape that follows, elaborate on that assessment.
   There was also wonder and puzzlement in the aliens appreciation that we are both intelligent and savage. The duality was not condemned by the "higher" being. He did say, with longing for its [supposed] sanity, that his home was a very nice and pleasant place.
   While both intelligence and savageness exist among humans, I think they don’t often coincide in the same individual and then not simultaneously. Intelligent fiends are at best serial [schizoid] personalities. Individuals who are predominantly intelligent know that the best way to achieve the survival of the species and self is to promote egalitarianism and sincere good will for all. Those who are more savage or cunning and less thoughtfully intelligent, wish to dominate others and exploit the community for their own well being. The latter are only interested in what’s good for themselves.
   The sincere good will of intelligent humans serves life in general and the human race in particular. Ill will towards others, disguised as avarice and greed and typical of the familiar cunning and savage kind of person, has its genesis in covetousness of the goods of others and the desire to privatize the community’s commons. In the end the scrubs systemize their looting of the profit of hard working community members and our common infrastructure in the virtual feudal structure and neo aristocratic economic facade of banking, investment, insurance, energy and communications. In short: capitalism.

   If you wish to help, contact me:
Greg Kaiser

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