The Volunteer Opinion Collector

Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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Subservience to the rich, whatever alias they may be traveling under, has been constant throughout written history. Morality, ethics and the emotional engagement of populations are in a constant state of change. Only the greed, corruption and treachery of the powerful remains the same.
"A good slave works for food alone."

Q of the week:
Q: What is the greatest crime of the victim's of our economic system?
A: The greatest crime the majority of Americans commit is to believe that the economic system is a good thing. To believe it is an inevitable evil is a serious misdemeanor. Slavery is always evil and we must never cease to fight until it's destroyed.

Volume II Issue 12:
   "Money is a burden that creates a lot of stress. You don't want the headache". We're often oppressed with such specious lessons, to discourage envy of the rich. I notice there is no rush to unload their wealth on us. I guess the pain of its possession is bearable.
   Be that as it may, the possession of great wealth does cause the master to be almost as stupid as the people from whom it stole its money. Such misery is not as unbearable as that suffered by the poor but it is real. For example, wealth precludes ever thinking clearly, honestly and intelligently about the human social condition. A rich person may never lapse in denial of the reality: one may have much more than average only if many have much less (live in poverty). Even an absolutely amoral cynic must pretend to be unaware of the consequences of their greed for the sake of their public image. That leads again to denial and obtuseness. Most of them come to believe their lies, when conscience reasserts itself in late middle age. [Ed. note: If you're tempted to excuse the suffering and misery caused by the greed of the rich, because we're all a little greedy at times, remember that there's a critical difference in scale. The number of people who must suffer misery and death to create one fortune is tremendous. An average income is not, by definition, excessive. It requires no one to suffer in order for itself to exist; the greed in this case has no consequences.]

   There's a difference between free market entrepreneurs and capitalists. The latter eventually consume and eliminate the former. That's well known and taken for granted. The importance of the direction in which our economic culture is moving is less often noted.
   As the rich capitalist owned(1) [multinational] corporations grow larger and fewer (and loot America before they leave the country), we can observe increasing uniformity and decreasing opportunity. The money that they make represents either material goods that we make or it's stolen from us by inflating the money supply. We do the work and they take the profits. Only the most zealous fool, a true believer, could deny that we are slaves to the workless class capitalists. How much longer can we tolerate this injustice? What happens to us if we fail to stop them before they move their loot and themselves out of the country?
   When we say, "capitalists make our lives intolerable... that it's wrong for them to have so much and us so little",(2) we're told that the freedom of the rich to exploit us, for their lazy, selfish ends, would be restricted and their rights to all we have and ever will have would be abridged. Further, it's immoral, unpatriotic, godless and intolerant of us to have such ill feeling toward our treacherous [to the human race they have renounced in the name of greed] masters. All manner of supporting arguments, such as the good of human progress(3) are used to gain popular support for a system that produces the least good for the greatest number. To tolerate the freedom of the few elite masters is deny our own liberty... to be slaves in all but name (and the property maintenance that keeps slaves healthy enough to work)... to support a workless class of wealthy parasites.
   An economic system like ours can only continue to deteriorate as the wealth is concentrated at the top. Consumers can't afford to continue borrowing, to keep it going for ever. The system can't be maintained by the will of the elite to dominate us. If we continue as we have, the economy will collapse and we'll suffer the most harm when it does. We allow them to dominate us and bring us to this end. No one but a fool would willingly follow the selfish tyrants who are leading us to ruin.

Editorial Column:
   Leadership of willing followers for the common well being requires sane intelligence and good will. Domination, power or control of others is always perverted to selfish ends... especially when an end in itself.
   When the rule has become domination for self interest instead of leadership for the common good, one must dominate to lead. In order to wrest control from those whose evil selfishness is destroying the human race, we must become like them. There's only one solution to the dilemma. Like a house so diseased and vermin ridden that it's unhealthy for human habitation, we must burn it down and start over again. We must have a new beginning(4) without the evil structure (economic system), that works only for the workless wealthy class.
   G. W. Bush knows nothing of good leadership. He apparently does a passable job of disguising his desire for domination and of masking his selfish ends. After all, he convinced almost half of those who voted in his election. But there's an upside. It means that less than a majority of us are necessarily fools. That's an unexpected improvement.

(1)A very small percent of the population own 60% of the stocks. Special corporations own a substantial portion of stocks. So it is false to conclude that average or middle class Americans own the remaining 40%. Even if over 50% of the people own stock, we don't own much of it. It is correct to say that a few capitalists own the corporations.

(2)Theoretically, though social conditioning precludes such heresy, we might say it.???

(3)They never fund any but proven technology. We support R&D with our tax money and consumer dollars. The rich never pay their share of taxes.

(4)This may be accomplished without violence or overthrow of the government. The constitution needn't be ammended. Simple changes in the tax laws can bring an end to the ruinous tyranny of the greedy, wealthy workless class. We may start by taxing estates greater than $2,000,000 at 100%. The heirs of the rich would still have a huge headstart on the rest of us. Those, if there are any, who actually worked for their fortunes, would have them while they lived.

   If you can help with cash donations, so that I may spend more time thinking and writing, contact me:

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Greg Kaiser

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